LEGI Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels

LEGI is managing the large rotating platform 'Coriolis' needed to approach experimentally the multi-scale structure of rotating stratified turbulence. It has performed various studies on vortex dynamics and stratified turbulence. The appropriate instrumentation and engineering support is available.
J. Sommeria has a long-standing interest in geostrophic and stratified turbulence, both from laboratory and theoretical approaches.
L. Gostiaux has a strong expertise in internal gravity waves and the laboratory techniques involved. He has been also involved in geoseismic observations, hence his background is ideal to link this project with oceanic data.

The Laboratory of Geophysical and Industrial Flows (LEGI) is a public research laboratory of the University of Grenoble. It is a joint research unit (UMR 5519) common to the National Center for Scientific Research ([CNRS]), Université Joseph Fourier (UJF) and Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (Grenoble INP), which gathers more than 180 people, including 70 permanent and as many PhD students and postdocs.

Research activities in Fluid Mechanics and Transfer conducted at LEGI combine modeling, testing (more than 40 experimental facilities including large equipments), high performance numerical simulation (parallel computers, national computing centers ...) and the development of innovative measuring instruments. These activities are related to numerous fields of application within environmental as well as industrial issues.

Management Team

Christophe Baudet- Director

Christophe Corre - Deputy Director

Joel Sommeria - Deputy Director

Jean-Paul Thibault - Contact for industrial partnership

Our main research areas

Dynamics of turbulent flows: hydrodynamics, mixing, transfer (heat, mass ...), advanced simulations.

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Process and simulations of natural systems (ocean, atmosphere, coastal dynamics, rivers...), understanding of climate changes and development of forecasting tools.

Flows with strong hydrodynamic coupling: Physics and modeling of flows with high density contrast, multiphase flows (bubbles, drops ...)

Application areas

Management of natural environment: Oceanography - Coastal and river - Atmosphere ...

Engineering and environment: clean Processes, effluent treatment, aerospace and transportation, health, safety and security ...

Engineering and energy: new energy sources and systems, intensification of energy transfer, optimisation ...

Contract, cooperation, training ...

The LEGI develops much of its activities through research contracts with private partners as well as public (regional, national, European and international), academic collaborations, thesis and post-doctorate grants, expertise, participation in operations of industrial startup...

LEGI is very active in research training: we welcome a large number of PhD students, mainly in the frame of two ’Doctoral Schools’: "Mechanics and Energy" and "Earth Environment Universe". Each year, dozens of students with all backgrounds (Masters, engineering schools, license, IUT ...) choose LEGI to carry out their internship.


The LEGI hosts more than 70 doctoral students and postdocs. Online you will find testimonials from former and current PhD students who convey their experience.

Additional documents

It is possible to go further by consulting the online activity reports.