June 4-6 2019, Brest, France
Sea ice is an essential component of the Earth system through the modulation of the atmospheric circulation, the global ocean overturning circulation, albedo and air-sea gas exchanges. Sea ice has also implications beyond climate change, with large effects on marine biogeochemistry, atmospheric chemistry and the living conditions of unique polar marine ecosystems and indigenous populations. While better satellite and in situ observations, longer and more reliable (paleo-)reconstructions as well as more advanced models have contributed to better understanding the role of sea ice in the Earth system, there are many important questions that are still unanswered, especially about the robustness of sea ice projections and the impacts on related environments.
The goal of the workshop was to bring together scientists from the ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, (paleo-)climate, and marine biogeochemistry communities interested in Arctic and/or Antarctic sea ice and its role in the Earth System to foster collaboration and better structure the community at the national level through discussions of cross-cutting issues.
We had contributions based on in situ observations, paleoclimate reconstructions, present-day reanalyses, numerical models simulating the past, present and future climate, that can contribute to the following general topics:
- Sea ice observations (in situ, remote sensing, ship logs, ...)
- Sea ice data assimilation and applications to predictions
- Representation of sea ice-related processes in Earth System models, high-resolution models and operational systems
- Sea ice response to past, current and projected atmospheric and oceanic changes
- Sea ice influence on the atmospheric and oceanic circulation
- Role of sea ice on marine biogeochemistry, ecosystems, and atmospheric chemistry
Rym Msadek (CECI/ Cerfacs), Camille Lique (LOPS, Ifremer), Xavier Crosta (EPOC), Martin Vancoppenolle (LOCEAN, IPSL), Damien Cardinal (LOCEAN, IPSL).
The programme and the practical informations can be found here: Programme.pdf
Presentations given during the meeting:
Session 1: Sea ice zone dynamics, thermodynamics and biogeochemistry
Chair: Camille Lique
Robert Ricker (Invited)
Monitoring of the sea Ice cover in a changing Polar Environment using satellite remote sensing
Sara Fleury
Snow Depth and Sea Ice Thickness Observations from Satellite Altimeters
Catherine Prigent
Pierre Rampal (Invited)
On the Simulation of the Brittle Nature of Sea Ice in Next Generation Models: Why and How?
Francois Fripiat (Invited)
Sea-ice biogeochemistry: from micro-environments to the scale of Antarctic sea ice
Martin Vancoppenolle
Understanding and simulating sea ice thermodynamic processes at small and large scales
Bruno Delille
Gases in sea ice: update of recent findings, caveats and open questions
Justin Dodd
Session 2 : Drivers of sea ice variability and changes
Chair: Damien Cardinal & Martin Vancoppenolle
Francois Massonnet (Invited)
Challenges in the evaluation of large-scale sea ice models
Rym Msadek
Predicting sea ice extent on seasonal time scales
Nicolas Kolodziejczyk
L-Band Sea Surface Salinity in the Polar Oceans: a validation study
Anastasiia Tarasenko
Casimir De Lavergne
Antarctic sea-ice trends sustained by vertical ocean heat redistribution
Peter Sutherland (Invited)
Wave-ice feedbacks in the Arctic Ocean
Guillaume Boutin
Coupling a spectral wave model with a coupled ocean-ice model: impact on lateral melting, effects on the ice edge and sea surface properties
Chair: Martin Vancoppenolle
Xavier Crosta
Antarctic sea ice in the Pleistocene climate system: Drivers and feedbacks at different timescales
Anais Orsi (Invited)
Antarctic climate variability over the past 2000 years
Session 3: Impacts of sea ice variations on its environment
Chair: Martin Vancoppenolle
Mark Hague
Phytoplankton Phenology and Sea Ice in the Southern Ocean
Marcel Babin
The role of snow and sea ice in constraining the phytoplankton phenology in the Arctic Ocean
Florian Sevellec
Arctic sea ice decline weakens the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Alexey Fedorov (Invited)
Heather Regan
Dynamics of the Beaufort Gyre from satellite observations and a high resolution model
Jean-Baptiste Sallée (Invited)
How sea-ice shapes large-scale Southern Ocean circulation?
Jean-Yves Royer
Presentation of the national and international programs on polar activities
(Chairs: Damien Cardinal and Rym Msadek)
Marie-Noëlle Houssais
Presentation of the national polar research programs
Gilles Garric
Polar Regions provisions by the Copernicus Marine Service
Jennie Thomas
Enhancing multidisciplinary international science cooperation: The Cryosphere and ATmospheric CHemistry (CATCH)
Session 3: Impacts of sea ice variations on its environment
Chair: Rym Msadek
Claude Frankignoul
An observational estimate of the direct atmospheric response to the Arctic sea ice loss
Svenya Chripko
Louis Marelle
Simulating Arctic boundary layer ozone depletion events in a regional atmospheric model
Camille Lique
Future emergence of deep convection in the Arctic and impact on the AMOC
Diana Ruiz Pino
Increases CO2 sink and acidification on Antarctic (Weddell Sea) and Western Arctic oceans
Nicola Elionor Sabata
Acidification since the last decade in the Pacific Arctic: pH and Alkalinity measured by an autonomous sensor
Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
Biomarker and diatom fluxes in a one-year sediment trap experiment over the Northwind Ridge, western Arctic Ocean