

Xavier Carton (UBO), Jonathan Gula (UBO), Claire Ménesguen (Ifremer), Pierrick Penven (IRD), Souren Pogossian (UBO), Guillaume Roullet (UBO), Clément Vic (Ifremer)


Sylvie Le Gentil (Ifremer), Tina Odaka (Ifremer)


Pierre L'Hegaret :"research assistant" sur "traitement et analyse des donnees de la campagne EUREC4A-OA": responsables: Sabrina Speich, Jonathan Gula et Xavier Carton

René Schubert, financement ANR, 01/01/2022 - 31/21-2023, "Abyssal (Sub-)Kilometerscale Dynamics, EnergEtics and Processes", responsable: J. Gula

Dante C. Napolitano, financement ANR JPI-Oceans / Région Bretagne, 01/08/2022 - 30/11/2024, "Air-Sea Exchanges at Oceanic Fine Scales", responsables: J. Gula, X. Carton



Sheveenah Taukoor, 01/10/2019 - 30/09/2022, (IRD/UCT/UBO. financement: NRF et UCT, South Africa), "Assessing the marine biogeochemical processes along the south coast of the South African shelf from observational datasets, remote sensing and simulations'', encadrants: I. Ansorge (UCT, South Africa), T. Mashifane (SAEON, South Africa), P. Penven (IRD, France) et Tarron Lamont (DEA, South Africa),

Ashwita Chouksey, 01/12/2019 - 31/12/2022, (CNRS), "Submesoscale coherent vortices in the Atlantic and their impact on the large scale circulation", encadrants: Jonathan Gula et Xavier Carton 

Armand Vic, 01/10/2020 - 30/09/2023, (bourse ENS), "The dynamics of oceanic Vortices Coupled with the Atmosphere at the Mesoscale and submesoscale", encadrants: Xavier Carton et Jonathan Gula

Cyprien Lemaréchal, 01/11/2020 - 31/10/2023, (H2020 / UBO), "Deep Hydrodynamic Processes near Hydrothermal vents", encadrants: Guillaume Roullet et Jonathan Gula

Noémie Schifano, 01/10/2021 - 30/09/2024, (bourse ENS), "Tracer transport and mixing in the bottom mixed-layer", encadrants: Clément Vic et Jonathan Gula

Giulia Zerbini, 01/11/2021 - 30/10/2024, (UBO), "MIxing and RestrAtification in the Bottom mixed-layEr : impActs of sUbmesoscale instabilities", encadrants: Jonathan Gula et Clément Vic

Théo Picard, 01/10/2021 - 30/09/2024, (bourse ENS), "Data-driven MOdeling and sampling to MOnitor PARticle origins in deep sediment traps", encadrants: Laurent Memery, Ronan Fablet et Jonathan Gula

Jean-Baptiste Roustan, 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024, (DGA), "Processus océaniques de fine échelle au voisinage du détroit de Gibraltar", encadrants: Franck Dumas, Lucie Bordois, Francis Auclair et Xavier Carton

Alexandre Barboni, 01/10/2020 - 30/09/2023, (ENS), "Évolution verticale et de surface des tourbillons méso-échelle soumis aux forçages atmoshpériques : cas d'étude en Méditerranée"encadrants: Alexandre Stegner (LMD-X), Franck Dumas (SHOM, LOPS), Xavier Carton (LOPS)