Année 2015

Barbosa Aguiar, A.C., A. Peliz, F. Neves, I. Bashmachnikov and X. Carton (2015). Mediterranean outflow transports and entrainment estimates from observations and high-resolution modeling. Progress in Oceanography, 131, 33-45, Doi :10.1016/j.pocean.2014.11.008

Renaud J. N. and X. Carton, Xavier 2015: Existence, stability and formation of baroclinic tripoles in quasi-geostrophic flows, J. Fluid Mech., 785, 1-30.

By: Couvelard, X.; Dumas, F.; Garnier, V.; Ponte A. et al., 2015: Mixed layer formation and restratification in presence of mesoscale and submesoscale turbulence, OCEAN MODELING, 96, 243-253, 2.

Vic C., Roullet G., Capet X., X. Carton et al., 2015, Eddy-topography interactions and the fate of the Persian Gulf Outflow, J. Geophys. Res. 120, 10, 6700-6717.

 D. Ciani, X. Carton, I. Bashmachnikov, B. Chapron, 2015: Influence of deep vortices on the ocean surface. Nonlin. Discont. Complex., 4, 3, 281-312.

L'Hegaret, R. Duarte, X. Carton, C. Vic, D. Ciani, R. Baraille and S. Correard, 2015: Seasonal mesoscale variability in the Arabian Sea from HYCOM model and observations: impact on the Persian Gulf Water path. Ocean Science, 11, 667-693.

Huck, T., O. Arzel and F. Sevellec (2015). Multidecadal variability of the overturning circulation in presence of eddy turbulence. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45 (1), 157-173, Doi : 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0114.1

Bashmachnikov, F. Neves, A. Nascimento, J. Medeiros, J. Dias, I. Ambar, X. Carton,  2015: Detailed temperature-salinity distribution in the Northeast Atlantic from ship and Argo casts. Ocean Science, 11, 215-236.

J.N. Reinaud, X. Carton, 2015: Head on interaction between two continuously stratified quasi geostrophic hetons. J. Fluid Mech., 779, 144-180.

Bashmachnikov I., Neves F., Calheiros T. et X. Carton, 2015 Properties and pathways of Mediterranean water eddies in the Atlantic, Prog. Oceanogr., 137, 149-172  A.

Kim, S. Y., G. Gopalakrishnan and A. Ponte (2015). Interpretation of coastal wind transfer functions with momentum balances derived from idealized numerical model simulations. Ocean Dynamics, 65 (1), 115-141, Doi : 10.1007/s10236-014-0766-x

Meunier, T., C. Menesguen, R. Schopp and S. Le Gentil (2015). Tracer Stirring around a Meddy : The Formation of Layering. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45 (2), 407-423, Doi : 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0061.1

Ponte, A.L. and P. Klein (2015). Incoherent signature of internal tides on sea level in idealized numerical simulations. Geophys. Res. Letters, 42 (5), 1520-1526, Doi:10.1002/2014GL062583

Shteinbuch-Fridman, B., V. Makarov, X. Carton, Z. Kizner, 2015: Two-layer geostrophic tripoles comprised by patches of uniform potential vorticity. Phys. Fluids, 27, 036602.

Pous, S., P. Lazure, X. Carton, 2015: A model of the general circulation in the Persian Gulf and in the Straits of Hormuz: intraseasonal to interannual variability. Cont. Shelf Res., 94, 55-70.

Ubelmann, C., P. Klein and Fu L.-L (2015). Dynamic Interpolation of Sea Surface Height and Potential Applications for Future High-Resolution Altimetry Mapping, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 32 (1), 177-184, Doi : 10.1175/JTECH-D-14-00152.1

Ferjani D., T. Huck, A. Colin de Verdiere, (2014). Influence of mean circulation on large scale decadal basin modes Journal of Marine Research. 72, 331-354, doi: 10.1357/002224014815469877. 10.1357/002224014815469877

Bashmachnikov, I.; Neves, F.; Nascimento, A.; et X. Carton, 2015, Temperature-salinity distribution in the northeastern Atlantic from ship and Argo vertical casts, Ocean Science, 11, 2, 215-236.

A.C.Barbosa Aguiar, C. Menesguen, S. Le Gentil, R. Schopp, X. Carton, 2015: Signature of Mediterranean Water cyclones in acoustic reflectivity. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, Issue 9 (September 2015) pp. 2436-2443 doi:

Hochet A., A. Colin de Verdière, and R. Scott, (2015). The vertical structure of large scalee unsteady currents. Journal of Physical Oceanography

Jose, Y., P. Penven, O. Aumont, E. Machu, C. Moloney, F. Shillington and O. Maury (2015). Role of inertia in biological production in the Mozambique Channel. Journal of Geophysical Research

Landanis A., V. Masson-Delmotte, B. Stenni, E. Selmo, D.M Roche, J. Jouzel, F. Lambert, M. Guillevic, L. Bazin, O. Arzel, B. Vinther, V. Gkinis, T.Popp (2015). A review of the bipolar see-saw from synchronized and high resolution ice core water stable isotope records from Greenland and East Antarctica. Accepted for publication in Quaternary Science Reviews. 114, 18–32. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.01.031

B. R. Loveday, P. Penven, C. J. C. Reason. (2015) Southern Annular Mode and westerly-wind-driven changes in Indian-Atlantic exchange mechanisms. Geophysical Research Letters 42, 4912-4921. DOI: 10.1002/2015GL064256

Mueller, Malte; Arbic, Brian K.; Richman, James G.;..., R. Scott et al., 2015 Toward an internal gravity wave spectrum in global ocean models, Geoph. R. Letters, 42, 9, 3474-3481.