List of peer reviewed publications using Argo data and having a contributing author based in France
Note that the international list of Argo publications is available on the Argo web site here
Check here the 2012-to-today bibliography
2000-2011 Archives below:
Arhan, M., S. Speich, C. Messager, G. Dencausse, R. Fine, and M. Boye, 2011: Anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies of subtropical origin in the subantarctic zone south of Africa. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C11004, http ://
Arnault, S., I. Pujol, and J. L. Melice, 2011: In Situ Validation of Jason-1 and Jason-2 Altimetry Missions in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean. Marine Geodesy, 34, 319-339,
Barbero, L., J. Boutin, L. Merlivat, N. Martin, T. Takahashi, S. C. Sutherland, and R. Wanninkhof, 2011 : Importance of water mass formation regions for the air-sea CO2 flux estimate in the Southern Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25,
Barre, N., C. Provost, A. Renault, and N. Senneael, 2011: Fronts, meanders and eddies in Drake Passage during the ANT-XXIII/3 cruise in January-February 2006: A satellite perspective. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58, 2533-2554,
Chaigneau, A., M. Le Texier, G. Eldin, C. Grados, and O. Pizarro, 2011: Vertical structure of mesoscale eddies in the eastern South Pacific Ocean: A composite analysis from altimetry and Argo profiling floats. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C11025,
Delcroix,T., G. Alory, S. Cravatte, T. Corrège, and M. McPhaden, 2011 : A gridded sea surface salinity data set for the tropical Pacific with sample applications (1950-2008). Deep Sea Res., 58, 38-48 doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2010.11.002.
Despres, A., G. Reverdin, and F. d'Ovidio, 2011: Summertime modification of surface fronts in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C10003,
Dhomps, A. L., S. Guinehut, P. Y. Le Traon, and G. Larnicol, 2011 : A global comparison of Argo and satellite altimetry observations. Ocean Science, 7, 175-183,
Fauchereau, N., A. Tagliabue, L. Bopp, and P. M. S. Monteiro, 2011 : The response of phytoplankton biomass to transient mixing events in the Southern Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L17601,
Faure, V., M. Arhan, S. Speich, and S. Gladyshev, 2011 : Heat budget of the surface mixed layer south of Africa. Ocean Dynamics, 1-18,
Ferron B, 2011 : A 4D-variational approach applied to an eddy-permitting North Atlantic configuration: Synthetic and real data assimilation of altimeter observations. Ocean Modelling 39 (2011) 370–385
Forget, G., G. Maze, M. Buckley, and J. Marshall, 2011 : Estimated Seasonal Cycle of North Atlantic Eighteen Degree Water Volume. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41, 269-286,
Gasparin, F., A. Ganachaud, and C. Maes, 2011 : A western boundary current east of New Caledonia: Observed characteristics. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 58, 956-969,
Hansen, J., M. Sato, P. Kharecha, and K. von Schuckmann, 2011: Earth's energy imbalance and implications. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 11, 27031-27105,
Juza, M., T. Penduff, and B. Barnier, 2011: How should the Argo array be extended to better monitor the Global Ocean heat content variability? Mercator Ocean Quaterly Newsletter, 41, April 2011.
Lique, C., G. Garric, A.-M. Treguier, B. Barnier, N. Ferry, C.-E. Testut, and F. Girard-Ardhuin, 2011 : Evolution of the Arctic Ocean Salinity, 2007-08 : Contrast between the Canadian and the Eurasian Basins. Journal of Climate, 24, 1705-1717,
Llovel, W., M. Becker, A. Cazenave, S. Jevrejeva, R. Alkama, B. Decharme, H. Douville, M. Ablain, and B. Beckley, 2011 : Terrestrial waters and sea level variations on interannual time scale. Global and Planetary Change, 75, 76-82,
Llovel, W., B. Meyssignac, and A. Cazenave, 2011 : Steric sea level variations over 2004-2010 as a function of region and depth: Inference on the mass component variability in the North Atlantic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L15608,
Marcos, M., F. M. Calafat, W. Llovel, D. Gomis, and B. Meyssignac, 2011 : Regional distribution of steric and mass contributions to sea level changes. Global and Planetary Change, 76, 206-218,
Martinez, E., D. Antoine, F. d'Ortenzio, and C. de Boyer Montégut, 2011/ Phytoplankton spring and fall blooms in the North Atlantic in the 1980s and 2000s, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C11029, 11 pp. doi:10.1029/2010JC006836
Maze, G. and J. Marshall, 2011: Diagnosing the Observed Seasonal Cycle of Atlantic Subtropical Mode Water Using Potential Vorticity and Its Attendant Theorems. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41, 1986-1999,
Nilsson, J., S. Dobricic, N. Pinardi, V. Taillandier, and P.-M. Poulain, 2011 : On the assessment of Argo float trajectory assimilation in the Mediterranean Forecasting System. Ocean Dynamics, 1-16,
Rio, M. H., S. Guinehut, and G. Larnicol, 2011 : New CNES-CLS09 global mean dynamic topography computed from the combination of GRACE data, altimetry, and in situ measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C07018,
Salisbury, J., D. Vandemark, J. Campbell, C. Hunt, D. Wisser, N. Reul, and B. Chapron, 2011 : Spatial and temporal coherence between Amazon River discharge, salinity, and light absorption by colored organic carbon in western tropical Atlantic surface waters. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C00H02,
Souza, J. M. A. C., C. de Boyer Montégut, C. Cabanes, and P. Klein, 2011: Estimation of the Agulhas ring impacts on meridional heat fluxes and transport using ARGO floats and satellite data. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L21602,
Singh, A., T. Delcroix, and S. Cravatte, 2011 : Contrasting the flavors of El Nino-Southern Oscillation using sea surface salinity observations. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C06016,
Singh A., and T. Delcroix, 2011. Estimating the effects of ENSO upon the observed freshening trends of the western tropical Pacific, Geophys. Res; Let., L21607, doi:10.1029/2011GL049636.
von Schuckmann, K., and P.-Y. Le Traon, 2011 : How well can we derive Global Ocean Indicators from Argo data? Ocean Sci., 7, 783–791,, doi:10.5194/os-7-783-2011.
Wade, M., G. Caniaux, and Y. du Penhoat, 2011 : Variability of the mixed layer heat budget in the eastern equatorial Atlantic during 2005–2007 as inferred using Argo floats, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C08006,
Xing, X., A. Morel, H. Claustre, D. Antoine, F. D'Ortenzio, A. Poteau, A. Mignot, Z. Lee, S. Shang, and C. Hu, 2011: Combined processing and mutual interpretation of radiometry and fluorimetry from autonomous profiling Bio Argo floats: Chlorophyll a retrieval. J. Geophys. Res, 116, C06020,
Bindoff, N.L., D. Stammer, P.Y. Le Traon, K. Trenberth, C. Mauritzen, J.A. Church, N. Smith, T. Malone, T. Suga, J. Tintoré and S. Wilson, 2010. Capabilities of Global Ocean Programmes to Inform Climate Services, World Climate Conference-3, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 1, 2010, Pages 342-353.
Claustre, H., Bishop, J., Boss, E., Stewart, B., Berthon, J.-F., Coatanoan, C., Johnson, K., Lotiker, A., Ulloa, O., Perry, M.-J., Dortenzio, F., Hembise Fanton D’Andon, O. & J. Uitz, 2010: Bio-Optical Profiling Floats as New Observational Tools for Biogeochemical and Ecosystem Studies: Potential Synergies with Ocean Color Remote Sensing. In Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 2), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306, doi:10.5270/OceanObs09.cwp.17
Claustre, H., Antoine, D., Boehme, L., Boss, E., D’Ortenzio, F., Fanton D’Andon, O., Guinet, C., Gruber, N., Handegard, N. O., Hood, M., Johnson, K., Lampitt, R., LeTraon, P.-Y., Lequéré, C., Lewis, M., Perry, M.-J., Platt, T., Roemmich, D., Testor, P., Sathyendranath, S., Send, U., & Yoder, J., 2010: Guidelines Towards an Integrated Ocean Observation System for Ecosystems and Biogeochemical Cycles. In Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 1), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306, doi:10.5270/OceanObs09.pp.14
Church, J.A., D. Roemmich, C. M. Domingues, J. K. Willis, N. J. White, J. E. Gilson, D. Stammer, A. Köhl, D. P. Chambers, F. W. Landerer, J. Marotzke, J. Gregory, T. Suzuki, A. Cazenave, and P.Y. Le Traon, 2010. Ocean Temperature and Salinity Contributions to Global and Regional Sea-Level Change, 143-168, in Understanding sea level rise and variability, Editors J.A. Church, P.L. Woodworth, T. Aarup and W.S. Wilson.
de Boisseson, E., V. Thierry, H. Mercier, and G. Caniaux, 2010: Mixed layer heat budget in the Iceland Basin from Argo. J. Geophys. Res., 115, C10055.
Dobricic, S., N. Pinardi, P. Testor, and U. Send, 2010: Impact of data assimilation of glider observations in the Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 50, 78-92.
Foltz, G. R., J. Vialard, B. Praveen Kumar, and M. J. McPhaden, 2010: Seasonal Mixed Layer Heat Balance of the Southwestern Tropical Indian Ocean. Journal of Climate, 23, 947-965.
Freeland, H. J. and co-authors, 2010: Argo - A Decade of Progress. Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society, J. Hall, D. E. Harrison, and D. Stammer, Eds., ESA Publications.
Ganachaud, A., A. Vega, M. Rodier, C. Dupouy, C. Maes, P. Marchesiello, G. Eldin, K. Ridgway, and R. Le Borgne, 2010: Observed impact of upwelling events on water properties and biological activity off the southwest coast of New Caledonia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 61, 449-464.
Henocq, C., J. Boutin, F. Petitcolin, G. Reverdin, S. Arnault, and P. Lattes, 2010: Vertical Variability of Near-Surface Salinity in the Tropics: Consequences for L-Band Radiometer Calibration and Validation. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 27, 192-209.
Koch-Larrouy, A., R. Morrow, T. Penduff, and M. Juza, 2010: Origin and mechanism of Subantarctic Mode Water formation and transformation in the Southern Indian Ocean. Ocean Dynamics, doi 10.1007/s10236-010-0276-4.
Le Traon, P. Y. and co-authors, 2010: GODAE OceanView: From an Experiment Towards a Long-term Ocean Analysis and Forecasting International Program. Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society, J. Hall, D. E. Harrison, and D. Stammer, Eds., ESA Publication.
Lee, T., T. Awaji, M. Balmaseda, N. Ferry, Y. Fujii, I. Fukumori, B. Giese, P. Heimbach, A. Kohl, S. Masina, E. Remy, A. Rosati, M. Schodlok, D. Stammer, and A. Weaver, 2010: Consistency and fidelity of Indonesian-throughflow total volume transport estimated by 14 ocean data assimilation products. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 50, 201-223.
Llovel, W., S. Guinehut, and A. Cazenave, 2010: Regional and interannual variability in sea level over 2002Ð2009 based on satellite altimetry, Argo float data and GRACE ocean mass. Ocean Dynamics, 1-12.
Morel, A., Claustre, H., and B. Gentili (2010) The most oligotrophic subtropical zones of the global ocean: similarities and differences in terms of chlorophyll and yellow substance. Biogeosciences, 7, 3139–3151,doi:10.5194/bg-7-3139-2010
Pouliquen, S. and co-authors, 2010: Argo Data Management. Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society, J. Hall, D. E. Harrison, and D. Stammer, Eds., ESA Publication.
Roemmich D., Boehme L., Claustre, H., Freeland, H., Fukasawa, M., Goni, G, Gould, W. J, Gruber, N, Hood, M, Kent, E, Lumpkin, R, Smith, S, Testor, P., 2010: Integrating the Ocean Observing System: Mobile Platforms. In Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 1), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306, doi:10.5270/OceanObs09.pp.33
Swart, S., S. Speich, I. J. Ansorge, and J. R. E. Lutjeharms, 2010: An altimetry-based gravest empirical mode south of Africa: 1. Development and validation. J. Geophys. Res., 115, C03002.
Taillandier, V., S. Dobricic, P. Testor, N. Pinardi, A. Griffa, L. Mortier, and G. P. Gasparini, 2010: Integration of Argo trajectories in the Mediterranean Forecasting System and impact on the regional analysis of the western Mediterranean circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 115, 17.
Tanguy, Y., S. Arnault, and P. Lattes, 2010: Isothermal, mixed, and barrier layers in the subtropical and tropical Atlantic Ocean during the ARAMIS experiment. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers, 57, 501-517.
Vivier, F., D. Iudicone, F. Busdraghi, and Y.-H. Park, 2010: Dynamics of sea-surface temperature anomalies in the Southern Ocean diagnosed from a 2D mixed-layer model. Climate Dynamics, 34, 153-184.
Bosc, C., T. Delcroix, and C. Maes, 2009: Barrier layer variability in the western Pacific warm pool from 2000 to 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 114, 14
Boutin, J. and L. Merlivat, 2009: New in situ estimates of carbon biological production rates in the Southern Ocean from CARIOCA drifter measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, 6.
Cummings, J., L. Bertino, P. Brasseur, I., Fukumori, M. Kamachi, M. Martin, K. Mogensen, P. Oke, C. E. Testut, J. Verron and A. T. Weaver, 2009: Ocean data assimilation systems for GODAE. Oceanography, 22, 96-109.
Daget, N., A. T. Weaver and M. A. Balmaseda, 2009: Ensemble estimation of background-error variances in a three-dimensional variational data assimilation system for the global ocean. Q. J. R. Meteorol Soc., 135, 1071-1094, DOI: 10.1002/qj.412.
Dombrowsky, E., L. Bertino, G. B. Brassington, E. P. Chassignet, F. Davidson, H. E. Hurlburt, M. Kamachi, T. Lee, M. J. Martin, S. Mei, and M. Tonani, 2009: GODAE Systems in Operation. Oceanography, 22, 80-95.
Gaillard, F., E. Autret, V. Thierry, P. Galaup, C. Coatanoan, and T. Loubrieu, 2009: Quality Control of Large Argo Datasets. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26, 337-351.
Guinehut, S., C. Coatanoan, A.-L. Dhomps, P.-Y. Le Traon and G. Larnicol, 2009: On the use of satellite altimeter data in Argo quality control, J. Atmos. Oceanic. Technol, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp 395-402.
Lankhorst, M., D. Fratantoni, M. Ollitrault, P. Richardson, U. Send, and W. Zenk, 2009: The mid-depth circulation of the northwestern tropical Atlantic observed by floats. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers, 56, 1615-1632.
Le Traon, P. Y., G. Larnicol, S. Guinehut, S. Pouliquen, A. Bentamy, D. Roemmich, C. Donlon, H. Roquet, G. Jacobs, D. Griffin, F. Bonjean, N. Hoepffner, and L. A. Breivik, 2009: DATA ASSEMBLY AND PROCESSING FOR Operational Oceanography 10 YEARS OF ACHIEVEMENTS. Oceanography, 22, 56-69.
McPhaden, M., J., G. R. Foltz, V. S. N. Murty, M. Ravichandran, G. A. Vecchi, J. Vialard, J. D.. Wiggert and L. Tu, 2009: Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions During Cyclone Nargis, Eos Trans. AGU, 90, 53-54.
Mignot, J., C. de Boyer Montégut, and M. Tomczak (2009), On the porosity of barrier layers, Ocean Sci., 5, 379-387. doi:10.5194/os-5-379-2009
Oke, P. R., M. A. Balmaseda, M. Benkiran, J. A. Cummings, E. Dombrowsky, Y. Fujii, S. Guinehut, G. Larnicol, P. Y. Le Traon, and M. J. Martin, 2009: OBSERVING SYSTEM EVALUATIONS USING GODAE SYSTEMS. Oceanography, 22, 144-153.
Roemmich, M. Belbeoch, P.J.V. Belchi, H. Freeland, W.J. Gould, F. Grant, M. Ignaszewski, B. King, B. Klein, K.A. Mork, W.B. Owens, S. Pouliquen, M. Ravichandran, S. Riser, A. Sterl, T. Suga, M.-S. Suk, P. Sutton, V. Thierry, P.-Y. LeTraon, S. Wijffels, J. Xu, 2009: Argo: the challenge of continuing 10 years of progress. Oceanography Magazine, vol 22, 3, 46-55.
Skachko, S., Brankart, J.-M., Castruccio, F., Brasseur, P., Verron, J. Improved turbulent air-sea flux bulk parameters for controlling the response of the ocean mixed layer: A sequential data assimilation approach (2009) Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26 (3), pp. 538-555
Vage, K., R. S. Pickart, V. Thierry, G. Reverdin, C. M. Lee, B. Petrie, T. A. Agnew, A. Wong, and M. H. Ribergaard, 2009: Surprising return of deep convection to the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean in winter 2007-2008. Nature Geoscience, 2, 67-72.
Vialard, J., J-P. Duvel, M. McPhaden, P. Bouruet-Aubertot, B. Ward, E. Key, D. Bourras, R. Weller, P. Minnett, A. Weill, C. Cassou, L. Eymard, T. Fristedt, C. Basdevant, Y. Dandoneau, O. Duteil, T. Izumo, C. de Boyer Montégut, S. Masson, F. Marsac, C. Menkes, S. Kennan, 2009, Cirene: Air Sea Interactions in the Seychelles-Chagos thermocline ridge region, Bull. Am. Met. Soc., 90, 45-61.
Von Schuckmann, K., F. Gaillard, and P. Y. Le Traon, 2009: Global hydrographic variability patterns during 2003-2008. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 114, 17.
Wiggert, J.D., J. Vialard, and M.J. Behrenfeld, 2009: Basin-wide modification of dynamical and biogeochemical processes by the Indian Ocean Dipole. In: Indian Ocean Biogeochemical Processes and Ecological Variability, J.D.Wiggert, R.R. Hood, S.W.A. Naqvi, S.L. Smith, and K.H. Brink (ed.), American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C, in press.
Barré, N., Provost, C., Sennechael, N., Lee, J.H. Circulation in the Ona Basin, southern Drake passage (2008) Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans, 113 (4), art. no. C04033.Cazenave A., K. Dominh, S. Guinehut, E. Berthier, W. Llovel, G. Ramillien, M. Ablain and G. Larnicol, 2008: Sea level budget over 2003-2008: A reevaluation from GRACE space gravimetry, satellite altimetry and Argo, Glob. Planet. Change, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.10.004.
Forget, G., H. Mercier, B. Ferron, 2008: Combining Argo Profiles with a general circulation model in the North Atlantic. Part 1: Realistic transports and improved hydrography, between spring 2002 and spring 2003. Ocean Modelling, 20 (1), 17-34.
Forget, G., H. Mercier, B. Ferron, 2008: Combining Argo Profiles with a general circulation model in the North Atlantic. Part 2: Estimation of hydrographic and circulation anomalies from synthetic profiles, over a year. Ocean Modelling, 20 (1), 1-16.
Gourdeau, L., Kessler, W.S., Davis, R.E., Sherman, J., Maes, C., Kestenare, E. Zonal jets entering the coral sea (2008) Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38 (3), pp. 715-725.
Maes, C. 2008: On the ocean salinity stratification observed at the eastern edge of the equatorial Pacific warm pool. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C03027, doi: 10.1029/2007JC004297.
Sallée, J.B; Morrow, R.; Speer, K. Eddy heat diffusion and Subantarctic Mode Water formation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2008, 35, L05607, doi:10.1029/2007GL032827
Sallée, J.B., K. Speer, and R. Morrow, 2008: Response of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to Atmospheric Variability. Journal of Climate, 21 (12), 3020-3039.
Schroeder, K., V. Taillandier, A. Vetrano, and G.P. Gasparini, 2008: The circulation of the western Mediterranean Sea in spring 2005 as inferred from observations and from model outputs. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 55 (8), 947-965.
Thierry, V., E. de Boisséson and H. Mercier, 2008: Interannual variability of the Subpolar Mode Water properties over the Reykjanes Ridge during 1990-2006. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C04016, doi:10.1029/2007JC004443.
Vialard, J., G. Foltz, M. McPhaden , J-P. Duvel and C. de Boyer Montégut, 2008, Strong Indian Ocean sea surface temperature signals associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation in late 2007 and early 2008, Geophys. Res. Lett.,35, L19608, doi:10.1029/2008GL035238.
Balmaseda, M., Anderson, D., Vidard, A. Impact of Argo on analyses of the global ocean (2007) Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (16), art. no. L16605
de Boyer Montégut, C., Mignot, J., Lazar, A., Cravatte, S. Control of salinity on the mixed layer depth in the world ocean: 1. General description (2007) Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans, 112 (6), art. no. C06011
de Boyer Montégut, C., J. Vialard, S.S.C. Shenoi, D. Shankar, F. Durand, C. Ethé and G. Madec, 2007, Simulated seasonal and interannual variability of mixed layer heat budget in the northern Indian Ocean, Journal of Climate, 20, 3249-3268.
Penduff, T. M. Juza, and B. Barnier, 2007: Assessing the realism of ocean simulations against hydrography and altimetry. Clivar Exchanges, No 42 (vol 12 No 3), 11-12.
Maes, C., L. Gourdeau, X. Couvelard, and A. Ganachaud, 2007: What are the origins of the Antarctic Intermediate Waters transported by the North Caledonian Jet? Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L21608, doi:10.1029/2007GL031546.
Mignot, J., de Boyer Montégut, C., Lazar, A., Cravatte, S. Control of salinity on the mixed layer depth in the world ocean: 2. Tropical areas (2007) Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans, 112 (10), art. no. C10010
Poulain, P.-M., Barbanti, R., Font, J., Cruzado, A., Millot, C., Gertman, I., Griffa, A., Molcard, A., Rupolo, V., Le Bras, S., De La Villeon, L.P. MedArgo: A drifting profiler program in the Mediterranean Sea (2007) Ocean Science, 3 (3), pp. 379-395
Reverdin, G. P. Blouch, J. Boutin, et al, 2007: Surface salinity measurements – COSMOS 2005 experiment in the Bay of Biscay. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 24 (9): 1643-1654.
Boutin J. and N. Martin, ARGO upper salinity measurements : perpectives for L-band radiometers calibration and retrieved sea surface salinity validation, Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters, (3) 202−206, 2006.
Griffa, A., Molcard, A., Raicich, F., Rupolo, V. Assessment of the impact of TS assimilation from ARGO floats in the Mediterranean Sea (2006) Ocean Science, 2 (2), pp. 237-248.
Guinehut, S., P.-Y. Le Traon and G. Larnicol, 2006 : What can we learn from Global Altimetry/Hydrography comparisons ?, Geophys. Res. Lett, 33, L10604, doi:10.1029/2005GL025551.
Maes, C., K. Ando, T. Delcroix, W. S. Kessler, M. J. McPhaden, and D. Roemmich (2006), Observed correlation of surface salinity, temperature and barrier layer at the eastern edge of the western Pacific warm pool, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L06601, doi:10.1029/2005GL024772
Ollitrault, M. M. Lankhorst, D. Fratantoni, P. Richardson, and W. Zenk, 2006: Zonal intermediate currents in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters. 33(5), L05605, 000236269100007
Sallée, J.B. ; Wienders, N. ; Morrow, R. and Speer, K. Formation of Subantarctic mode water in the Southeastern Indian Ocean, Ocean Dynamics, 2006 , 56 , 525-542
Taillandier, V., Griffa, A., Poulain, P.-M., Béranger, K. Assimilation of Argo float positions in the north western Mediterranean Sea and impact on ocean circulation simulations (2006) Geophysical Research Letters, 33 (11), art. no. L11604
Taillandier V, Griffa A. , 2006: Implementation of position assimilation for ARGO floats in realistic Mediterranean Sea OPA model and twin experiment testing, Ocean Sciences 2(2), 223-236.
Taillandier, V., A. Griffa, A. Molcard, 2006: A variational approach for the reconstruction of regional scale Eulerian velocity fields from Lagrangian data. OCEAN MODELLING, 13(1), 1-24
Bouruet-Aubertot, P., H. Mercier and F. Gaillard, 2005: Evidence of strong inertia-gravity wave activity during POMME experiment. J. Geophys. Res., 110 (C7): Art. No. C07S06.
Caniaux, G, Giordani, H., Prieur, L., Hernandez, F., 2001: Observations of an Intense Anticyclonic Warm Eddy in the Newfoundland Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 2649-2652.
De Boyer Montégut, C., Madec, G., Fischer, A.S., Lazar, A., Iudicone, D., 2004: Mixed layer depth over the global ocean: An examination of profile data and a profile-based climatology, Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans 109 (12), pp. 1-20
Durand, F., Reverdin, G. A statistical method for correcting salinity observations from autonomous profiling floats: An ARGO perspective (2005) Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 22 (3), pp. 292-301.
Gaillard, F., H. Mercier and C. Kermabon, 2005: A synthesis of POMME physical data set: one year monitoring of the upper layer. J. Geophys. Res., 110, C07S07, doi:10.1029/2004JC002764 .
Guinehut, S., G. Larnicol, and P.-Y. Le Traon, 2002: Design of an array of profiling floats in the North Atlantic from model simulations, J. Mar. Sys., 35, 1-9.
Guinehut, S., P.-Y. Le Traon, G. Larnicol and S. Philipps, 2004: Combining Argo and remote-sensing data to estimate the ocean three-dimensional temperature fields- A first approach based on simulated observations, J. Mar. Sys., 46 (1-4), 85-98.
Marchand, P., Servain, J. NOR-50: Fast research vessel for operational oceanography: Implementing PIRATA & argo programs in the tropical & South Atlantic in a practical, economic way (2002) Sea Technology, 43 (6), pp. 49-54.
Núñez-Riboni, Ismael, Olaf Boebel, Michel Ollitrault, Yuzhu You, Philip L. Richardson and Russ Davis, 2005: Lagrangian circulation of Antarctic Intermediate Water in the subtropical South Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research II, 52/3-4 545-564.
Roemmich, D., Boebel, O., Desaubies, Y., Freeland, H., King, B., Le Traon, P.-Y., Molinari, R.L., Owens, W.B., Riser, S., Send, U., Takeuchi, K., Wijffels, S., 2001: Argo - The global Array of profiling floats. pp248-258 In. Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century. Eds Chester J Koblinsky and Neville R. Smith. GODAE Project Office, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia. ISBN 0642 70618 2.
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