Data Access

The most recent dataset, corresponding to the last processing or reprocessing of the thermosalinometer data from the French research vessels are proposed here.

The 2001-2014 dataset

To download the last datafiles: 

      SSS_FRESH last update

File content and organisation

The last processing was performed in september 2015. A summary of the datafiles content if given in the Inventory document

The data files proposed here by the team 'SSS-research vessels' are the  Delayed Mode data files in the GOSUD NetCDF format that also include the thermosalinometer calibration coefficients and the water samples.

The files are sorted by ship, with one directory for each.

Then one file is defined for each year and thermosalinometer. If the same salinometer was used throughout the year, there is a single file with extension: yyyya, otherwise, files with extension yyyyb, yyyyc, .... may exist.


The SSS_FRESH files are transmitted to GOSUD.  They can be accessed :

The file format is the GOSUD NetCDF