Ongoing PhD projects

Maud Martinez Almoyna

Evolution des écosystèmes côtiers sous influence des fleuves dans le golfe de Gascogne et la Manche durant le 21ème siècle

Noémie Schifano

Tracer transport and mixing in the bottom mixed-layer

Benoit Presse

Estimation of probabilistic ocean information using machine learning methods applied to the North Atlantic

Gustav Rautenbach

The water mass transformation and mixing processes of the Durban Eddy inshore of the Agulhas Current

Raphael Ravasse

Structure and dynamics of submesoscale coherent vortices in the ocean

Julie Cheynel

Changes in extreme sea levels in a warming climate

Margot Demol

Estimating ocean surface dynamic at small scale in the wide-swath altimetric Era (SWOT)

Paul Adrien Alves

Conditions environnementales extrêmes en mer : application au Raz Blanchard

Theo Le Hir

Etude de l'hypothèse de l'existence d'un pont terrestre entre Madagascar et Mozambique

Clément Pouplin

Characterization of tropical cyclone induced wave fields

Pierre Le Bras

Analog methods to identify global oceanographic simulations

Aline Zribi

Representativeness and uncertainties of the cyclone hazard in the French Overseas Territories

Benoit Laurent

Contribution de la variabilité des tourbillons aux changements du niveau de la mer

Arthur Coquereau

Estimer le rôle de la variabilité forcée et interne pour la réponse de l'océan et du climat dans un climat qui change

Edouard Gauvrit

Statistical characterization of turbulence in a wind-over-waves surface layer


Adrien Stella

PHYToplankton dynamics and underlying processes in the Arctic Ocean based on observation and deep learning (PhytAO)

Dava Amrina

Evaluating the quasi-steady Lagrangian transport from the Indonesian seas : applications to floating marine debris

Tom Protin

Wave propagation on the ocean surface: a stochastic perspective

Samuel Osina

Sea state effects on SWOT sea level measurements

Raquel Flugel

Wind INner shelf variability Impacts in the Benguela Upwelling system in present and future climate (WINIBUS)